April Class of the Month

Step Aerobics

Aerobic exercise is an important part of a well-rounded exercise routine. Many different forms of exercise can give you an effective cardiovascular workout, and step aerobics is one of them. Step aerobics was introduced in the 1980s as part of the aerobics craze


A step aerobics session typically consists of sets of choreographed movements performed on a raised platform. The movements are usually accompanied by music and are designed to work the lower body, upper body and cardiovascular system.


Fitness Benefits

Exercising with an aerobic step provides several fitness benefits that can help you in other sports and in daily life. Regular sessions will provide both cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Incorporating both upper and lower body movements together will improve your coordination and agility, and the constant push up onto the step will increase leg strength.


Tuesday 11.00am with Anna J

Thursday 10.00am with Anna J